Smart home models in VET – Project team meeting in Pecs
Last week from 3rd of April till 5th of April teams from Serbia and Croatia were hosted by Baranya Megyei Szakképzési Centrum Zipernowsky Károly in the wonderful Pécs. During the meeting, teams have presented their smart home model ideas and the progress of the model so far. Especially interesting approach of our Hungarian partners inspired new ideas for application in other VET programs as well since their model offers students hands on approach to learning about home electrical installation and smart homes. Partners from Serbia have presented progress on short education programs. Among other project management topics like budget reporting, newsletter development etc. teams had the opportunity to discuss opportunities and problems in developing cooperation with the smart home industry with Gergely Kalman, representative of the company Okosotthonlabor. Mr. Gergely Kalman presented his company, smart home technology options they are implementing and discussed possible ways of developing cooperation between schools and the companies.
More on the company Okosotthonlabor: