Model of smart house
Learning program
Smart Home Club
Objectives of the project
1. Create a learning model
1. Create a learning model
2. Create VET programs on smart home technology
2. Create VET programs on smart home technology
3. To create methodological materials for teaching in the new VET program by applying learning models
3. To create methodological materials for teaching in the new VET program by applying learning models
Our goal is to strengthen the competences of professional teachers in the STEM field and their readiness for mixed forms of learning and virtual collaboration.
Active spring holidays with Smart Home
Several Smart home events took place during the spring holiday in ELPROS.
Two of the student groups participated in the activities regarding Smart home animated video and Small-scale smart home model as well as the group of VET teachers participating in the Smart home National webinar.
On 3rd of April students who were working on the small scale model with the teacher Kristijan Čvek developed model using Arduino components and tested it out. Other student group with their teacher Danijela Ivanović-Ižaković have added new functionalities to the Home Smart Home vied with VR tools.
On April 5th VET teachers had the opportunity to hear about the project and Erasmus+ funding scheme, see the smart home model ELPROS team has developed and it’s demonstration by the ELPROS team teacher Alen Hmelina